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| An Introduction to Language 9th edition | 9781439082416 | Fromkin/Rodman/Hyams | Cengage Learning | 600 | 愛蜜林 | 2017/2/26 | 已下架 |
| Chemistry Principles and Reactions 7th 化學 | 9781111572174 | William L. Masterton Cecile N. Hurley Edward J. Neth | Cengage Learning | 700 | 小柯基 | 2017/2/20 | 已下架 |
| 使用MATLAB的現代線性系統(Bookware Companion) | 0534371728 | Robert D. Strum | Cengage Learning,1999 | 900 | 梓琳 | 2017/2/20 | 已下架 |
| Shortell and Kaluzny's Healthcare Management: Organization Design and Behavior | 9781435488144 | Lawton Burns, Elizabeth Bradley and Bryan Weiner | CENGAGE Delmar Learning | 850 | L.Z | 2017/2/13 | 已下架 |
| Principles of Financial Accounting | 9870538479059 | Reeve, Warren, Duchac | Cengage Learning | 500 | Jade | 2016/11/20 | 已下架 |
| Perrine's Sound and Sense: An Introduction to Poetry (Twelfth Edition) | 9781428206243 | Arp, Thomas R./ Johnson, Greg | Thomson Learning | 180 | Carol | 2016/10/14 | 已下架 |
| Reading Advantage 4 | 9789814336567 | CASEY MALACHER | Cengage Learning | 100 | FunMicky | 2016/10/11 | 已下架 |
| Principles of Financial Accounting with Conceptual Emphasis on IFRS (2/E) | 9789814455145 | Reeve, Warren, Duchac, Wang | Cengage Learning; 高立 | 600 | 陳馨 | 2016/9/20 | 已下架 |
| FUNDAMENTALS OF ORGANIC CHEMISTRY 7/e | 9781439049730 | MCMURRY | Delmar Learning | 499 | 外科泥馬 | 2016/9/10 | 已下架 |
| Fundamentals of Logic Design | 9781133628484 | Roth Kinney | CENGAGE Learning | 1000 | 小薛 | 2016/6/4 | 已下架 |
廣告 |
| NEW Reading and Vocabulary Development 2 | 9789865840563 | CENGAGE Learning | CENGAGE Learning | 200 | lcl8646 | 2016/4/7 | 已下架 |
| READING EXPLORER 3 | 9781424029389 | DOUGLAS | Cengage Learning EMEA | 200 | 小紫蛛 | 2016/3/5 | 已下架 |
| Accounting Information Systems(International Edition)10版 | 9780170355391 | Patrick Wheeler ,Richard B. Dull ,Ulric J. Gelinas | Cengage Learning Australia | 900 | 哩米特 | 2016/2/25 | 已下架 |
| Views and Values (third edition) | 0838407773 | Kari Sayers | Cengage Learning (文鶴代理) | 300 | hamburgerabc | 2016/2/24 | 已下架 |
| Introduction to Business(11th edition) | 9780538480598 | Pride Hughes Kapoor | SOUTH-WESTERN CENGAGE Learning | 700 | haha | 2016/2/16 | 已下架 |
| Calculus for the Managerial, Life, and Social Sciences | 0495015334 | Tan | Cengage Learning | 100 | 拍拍王 | 2016/1/24 | 已下架 |
| New Business Matters | 9780759398566 | Mark Powell | CENGAGE Learning | 389 | nicejojo100 | 2016/1/20 | 已下架 |
| Views and Values (third edition) | 0838407773 | Kari Sayers | Cengage Learning (文鶴代理) | 300 | hamburgerabc | 2015/12/27 | 已下架 |
| 基礎統計學 | 9814057789 | Keller.Warrack | Thomson Learning | 200 | 小琳 | 2015/12/21 | 已下架 |
| Theory and application of intermediate microeconomics 11e | 9780324599497 | Nicholoson, Snyder | South-Western, Div of Thomson Learning | 600 | Jade | 2015/11/1 | 已下架 |