照片 | 書名(依此欄排序) | ISBN (依此欄排序) | 作者 (依此欄排序) | 出版商 | 欲售價 (依此欄排序) | 賣家名稱 | 刊登日 | 狀態 (依此欄排序) |
 | Biochemistry 4th edition | 9780495114642 | Reginald H. Garrett, Charles M Grisham | 偉明 | 777 | 知識流動站長 | 2021/9/29 | 已售出 |
 | Basic immunology:Functions and Disorders of the Immune System 3/e | 9781416055693 | ABUL K. ABBAS, ANDREW H. LICHTMAN | SAUNDERS | 500 | citybear | 2021/3/1 | 出售中 |
 | Biology 7/e | 0321269845 | Campbell | Pearson | 500 | citybear | 2021/3/1 | 出售中 |
 | Biochemistry, International Edition Sixth Edition | 0495390461 | Mary Campbell, Shawn Farrell | Thomson brooks/cole | 500 | citybear | 2021/3/1 | 出售中 |
 | Brunnstrom's clinical kinesiology 5th edition | 9748279898 | Laura k. Smith & Elizabeth L. Weiss & L. Don Lehmkuhl | F.A. Davis | 380 | sholnail | 2021/1/14 | 出售中 |
無圖 | Boyce's Elementary Differential Equations and Boundary Value Problems | 9781119382874 | William E. Boyce, Richard C. Diprima, Douglas B. Meade | Wiley | 1050 | Beibei | 2020/3/4 | 出售中 |
 | Basic Business Statistics with CD: Concepts and Applications | 9780135009369 | Mark L.Berenson/David M. Levine/Timothy C. Krehbiel | PEARSON Education | 200 | anita.chen | 2020/1/22 | 出售中 |
 | Biology, Fourth Edition | 0697225704 | Raven, Peter H., Raven & Johnson, Johnson, George B. | William C Brown Pub (1996) | 330 | JustineWang | 2019/8/27 | 出售中 |
 | brunnstrom's clinical kinesiology 5th edition | 9748279898 | Laura k. Smith & Elizabeth L. Weiss & L. Don Lehmkuhl | F.A. Davis | 400 | 晴小妹 | 2018/10/22 | 出售中 |
 | Barron's New GRE, 19th Edition | 9780764146169 | Sharon Weiner Green M.A | Barron's Educational Series | 150 | 噹可 (多本可合併運費) | 2018/8/10 | 出售中 |
 | brunnstrom's clinical kinesiology 5th edition | 9748279898 | Laura k. Smith & Elizabeth L. Weiss & L. Don Lehmkuhl | F.A. Davis | 400 | 晴小妹 | 2018/8/8 | 已售出 |
 | Botany: An Introduction to Plant Biology | 9781449665807 | James D.Mauseth | Jones & Bartlett Learning | 1500 | 寂靜 | 2018/7/22 | 已售出 |
 | Business in Action(seventeen edition) | 9781292077062 | Courtland L. Bovee、John V. Thill | PEARSON | 500 | 秋妤 | 2018/6/22 | 出售中 |
 | BIOLOGY | 0805366245 | CAMPBELL.REECE | Addison-Wesley | 200 | Adeline 艾德琳 | 2018/3/23 | 已售出 |
 | Brief Calculus: An Applied Approach | 061821870X | Ron Larson, Bruce H. Edwards | Baker | 200 | 陳天天 | 2018/3/19 | 出售中 |
 | Biology | 007118080X | Sylvia S.Mader | MC Graw Hill | 500 | 陳天天 | 2018/3/16 | 出售中 |
 | Biochemistry | 0201702355 | Mathews Van Holode Ahern | Addison Wesley Longman | 300 | 陳天天 | 2018/3/15 | 出售中 |
 | Biological Science: International Edition 4/e | 9780321690845 | Scott Freeman | Pearson; 4 edition (2011) | 500 | Tiffany H | 2018/2/24 | 出售中 |
 | Biology 8/e (Campbell 生物學) - 大一指定教材 | 9780321536167 | Neil A. Campbell, Jane B. Reece | Pearson | 700 | mei0116 | 2018/2/12 | 已售出 |
 | Biology 8/e (Campbell 生物學) - 大一指定教材 | 9780321536167 | Neil A. Campbell, Jane B. Reece | Pearson | 700 | mei0116 | 2018/2/9 | 已售出 |