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| Fundamentals of Management: Management Myths Debunked | 9781292146942 | Stephen P. Robbins | PEARSON | 899 | uhuangjack | 2024/7/11 | 出售中 |
| Facilities Planning 4/e | 9780470444047 | Tompkins | WILEY | 240 | 劉飛飛 | 2024/3/2 | 出售中 |
| Fundamentals of Electric Circuits 4/e | 9780071272384 | ALEXANDER SADIKU | McGRAW-HILL | 100 | 劉飛飛 | 2024/2/15 | 出售中 |
| Fundamentals of Data Structures in C, 2/e | 0929306406 | Ellis Horowitz, Sartaj Sahni, Susan Anderson-Freed | Silicon Press | 300 | 皮爾 | 2023/10/30 | 出售中 |
| Foundations of Algorithms Using C++ Pseudocode | 0763723878 | Richard Neapolitan; Kumarss Naimipour | Jones and Bartlett | 400 | 龍1 | 2023/6/10 | 出售中 |
| Fundamentals of Analytical Chemistry 8/e 分析化學 | 97805344 | SKOOG、WEST、HOLLER、CROUCH | THOMSON | 240 | alisnoopy | 2023/2/3 | 出售中 |
| Foundation Analysis and Design | 0071001298 | Joseph E | McGraw-Hill | 500 | LYZ | 2023/1/10 | 出售中 |
| Fundamentals of Geotechnical Engineering(second edition) | 0534492940 | Das Braja M. | CL Engineering | 1000 | LYZ | 2023/1/9 | 出售中 |
| Fundamentals Of Organic Chemistry 6/e | 9780495125907 | Mcmurry, Simanek | THOMSON | 500 | citybear | 2021/3/1 | 出售中 |
| Focus onGrammar5 | 9780132546508 | Jay | Pearson | 600 | Gingko | 2021/1/29 | 出售中 |
| Food service management fundamental | 9780470409060 | Dennis | Wiley | 200 | Gingko | 2021/1/23 | 出售中 |
| Financial accounting | 9789810684570 | Walter | Pearson | 150 | Gingko | 2021/1/23 | 出售中 |
| Financial Statement Analysis | 9780071086837 | Subramanyam | McGraw-Hill | 350 | pekkie | 2020/9/11 | 已售出 |
| FUNDAMENTALS OF MANAGEMENT | 0131225472 | Stephen P. Robbins/David A. Decenzo | PEARSON | 150 | st433 | 2020/6/20 | 出售中 |
| FIVE CENTURIES OF KEYBOARD MUSIC | 9780486228556 | Gillespie, John | Dover Publications | 450 | Lin30 | 2020/3/21 | 出售中 |
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| FUNDAMENTALS OF ORGANIC CHEMISTRY 7/e | 9781439049730 | MCMURRY | Delmar Learning | 750 | Tony Chne | 2019/12/13 | 已售出 |
| Foundations of music education | 0028700112 | Harold f. Abeles,Charles r. Hoffer,Robert h.klotman | Second edition | 2000 | 王紘筠 | 2019/8/20 | 出售中 |
| Fundamentals of Human Resource Management(7版)-人力資源管理[若有喜歡可議價] | 9781259921858 | Raymond A. Noe,John R. Hollenbeck,Barry Gerhart,Patrick M. Wright | 華泰文化 | 700 | Clever123 | 2019/6/27 | 出售中 |
| Fifty Shades of Grey | 9781780891262 | EL JAMES | Century | 120 | Shadow | 2019/5/30 | 出售中 |